Creating your first grammar

In this section, you will learn how to create a grammar with ANTLR IDE.

Creating the grammar

  1. Inside Eclipse select the menu item File>New>ANTLR IDE>Composite Grammar to open the Combined Grammar dialog wizard.
  2. Creating your first grammar

    New ANTLR grammar wizard

  3. In the Name field type Expr.
  4. New ANTLR grammar wizard

    The ouput option: this option allow you to set the output option for your grammar.

    The language option: this option allow you to set the language option for your grammar. You can choose one of the existing ones or type a new one.

  5. Click Finish.
  6. The new grammar is opened with the ANTLR editor. It contains the new grammar, the options region and an empty rule.

    The Outline view shows all the elements that compose the Expr grammar.

    The Console View shows general information about the Expr grammar, for example the version of the ANTLR Parser Generator used to process the Expr grammar. You can customize this behavior in the Window > Preferences > ANTLR > Builder preference pages.

  8. Copy and paste the following code in Expr.g file
  9. grammar Expr;
    options {
    @header {
    import java.util.HashMap;
    @lexer::header {
    import java.util.HashMap;
    @members {
    /** Map variable name to Integer object holding value */
    HashMap memory = new HashMap();
    prog:   stat+ ;
    stat:   expr NEWLINE {System.out.println($expr.value);}
        |   ID '=' expr NEWLINE
            {memory.put($ID.text, new Integer($expr.value));}
        |   NEWLINE
    expr returns [int value]
        :   e=multExpr {$value = $e.value;}
            (   '+' e=multExpr {$value += $e.value;}
            |   '-' e=multExpr {$value -= $e.value;}
    multExpr returns [int value]
        :   e=atom {$value = $e.value;} ('*' e=atom {$value *= $e.value;})*
    atom returns [int value]
        :   INT {$value = Integer.parseInt($INT.text);}
        |   ID
            Integer v = (Integer)memory.get($ID.text);
            if ( v!=null ) $value = v.intValue();
            else System.err.println("undefined variable "+$ID.text);
        |   '(' expr ')' {$value = $expr.value;}
    ID  :   ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ;
    INT :   '0'..'9'+ ;
    NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
    WS  :   (' '|'\t')+ {skip();} ;	
  10. The Expr.g in the editor.The Syntax Coloring can be configured in the Window > Preferences > ANTLR > Editor > Syntax Coloring preference page.
  11. ANTLR Editor Logo